How to Find Low-Competition Keywords for SEO

How to Find Low-Competition Keywords for SEO

How to Find Low-Competition Keywords for SEO

Certainly! Here’s a concise guide on finding low-competition long-tail keywords for SEO, along with some helpful tools and website links to make the process easier.

1. Brainstorm Topics

Start by brainstorming broad themes related to your niche or industry. Think about what your target audience might search for. For example, if you’re in the tech space, consider topics like:

  • Computers
  • Laptops
  • MacBook
  • iMac
  • Hard drives

2. Expand Ideas with a Keyword Research Tool

Use a reliable keyword research tool like Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer. Input your topic ideas and explore the Phrase match report. You’ll find keyword ideas related to the themes you’ve brainstormed. These suggestions include monthly search volumes and other SEO metrics.

3. Filter for Low ‘Difficulty’ Keywords

Look for keywords with a Keyword Difficulty (KD) score between 0-10. These are the “low-competition” keywords that you can potentially rank for without extensive effort. Remember that while tools provide an estimate, Google considers hundreds of ranking signals, so no metric is perfect. However, this filter helps you identify promising opportunities.

By following these steps, you can uncover thousands of relevant keywords that are easier to rank for. For instance, we managed to find over 167,000 keywords from just five initial topics using Ahrefs1.

Helpful Tools and Links:

  1. Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer: A powerful tool for keyword research and analysis.
  2. Google Keyword Planner: Google’s free tool for keyword ideas and search volume data.
  3. SEMrush: Another comprehensive SEO tool with keyword research capabilities.
  4. Moz Keyword Explorer: Moz’s tool for finding relevant keywords.
  5. Ubersuggest: A user-friendly keyword research tool.

Remember, while finding low-competition keywords is essential, also focus on relevance and user intent. Happy keyword hunting! 🚀

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